Coconut Nectar

Organic Coconut Nectar is a delicious, low GI (35), mineral-rich liquid sweetener tapped from coconut trees on the island of Java in Indonesia.Deep complex tones and an addictively butterscotch flavour define this seductive sweetener. A creamy smooth texture massages the taste buds while notes of maple syrup linger on the palette with a rich treacly afterglow.Traditional communities throughout the world have long referred to the coconut tree as the ‘Tree of Life’. Producing an average of 50-75% more sugar per acre than sugar cane and using less than 1/5th of the nutrients for that production, it has a well-deserved reputation as the planet’s most sustainable sweetener.Coconut nectar is a sucrose based sweetener and is thus a handy alternative for people with fructose sensitivities.

$ 8.64$ 14.40

  • 250ml
  • 500ml
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250ml, 500ml

Nutritional Information

Serving Size 15ml PER SERVE PER 100ML Energy 251kj 1673kj Protein 0g 0g Fat-total 0g 0g – saturated 0g 0g Carbohydrate-total 13g 86.7g – sugars 12g 80g Sodium 20mg 133mg

Health Benefits

Coconut Nectar is naturally low on the Glycemic Index (GI), which has benefits for weight control and improving glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). It's rated as GI 35. By comparison, most honeys are GI 55 and sane sugars are GI 68.Coconut Nectar produces slow release energy, which sustains the human body through its daily activities without regular sugar ‘highs’ and ‘lows’. It also has a nutritional content far richer than all other commercially available sweeteners.Coconut Nectar has a high mineral content. It is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. In addition to this it contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6. When compared to brown sugar, Coconut Nectar has twice the iron, four times the magnesium and over 10 times the amount of zinc. Coconut Nectar is unfiltered and preservative free.

Country of Origin

Product of Australia


Organic Kale, Organic Raw Cashews, Organic Carrot, Organic Reconstituted Lemon Juice, Organic Coconut Vinegar, Organic Olive Oil, Organic Activated Chia Seeds, Organic Coriander, Pink Lake Salt